
What “Falling in Love with the Divine” is for me?

Personally my first step is to recognize my own divinity, to say yes to it, to open up to it and to feel it. This itself is a challenge as I grew up within a mindset where divinity was seen as religious “gaga- talk”, which had nothing to do with reality. God is for old or sick people, otherwise ignored. Spirituality was not a popular subject around me. Even saying I have the divine in me feels like coming out of the closet. Falling in love with the divine is a step further into madness. And yet I am tired of denying this part of myself. It should be seen as a natural state, not a sickness or rarity. So perhaps I will be judged as crazy or troubled but I proudly announce: I am a divine being, a spirit with a body.

I have always been curious about the divine and explored it. I have got a taste of the light deep within, the universal wisdom coming through and the energy of love. I have experienced immense healing energies running through my body and witnessed others being touched by this same energy. I have dedicated years of my life to learning about energy and how the universe works. I have built a relationship with the light. Yet I confess that I have been somewhat secretive about this, gripped with a fear of being judged and alienated. I wouldn’t say that the fear is completely gone, but in spite of it, I make my way forward. At this point on my journey anything else would be absurd.

My intention is to build a stronger relationship with the divine in me, to nourish it, to immerse myself in it. Falling in love with the divine is a journey, very real and yet mysterious. By feeling and sensing I let the guidance within direct me. Being present in the body, opening up more, I embrace what comes to me.

For me falling in love with the divine means valuing myself. With self-love I live my life each moment true to my own energy. It means facing my fears and limitations, letting go of resistance. It means saying yes to life and with gratitude meeting life’s joys and challenges, ugliness and beauty. When I am in love I serve the light, not taking everything so personally. It takes trust and dedication to build this relationship. This is what I am here to do. This is my purpose in my life.

There is a universe inside me – inside each one of us – full of vibrancy and potential. This juiciness is my guide and my lover. The divine love affair has me falling in love with it, over and over again.

I open myself to it.

I surrender.

I fall deeper, deeper in love with the divine within me.

 Johanna Harmala




5 thoughts on “The Divine within me

  1. You are such a divine woman Johanna.
    I have always had the most wonderful experience being in your presence, your laughter, your light, you trully are living into the divine and that energy moves outward and affects everyone you come into contact with.. like it did me, you make me laugh so hard, so much!
    So much love to you and thank you for sharing these words..

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  2. beautiful words to live by, Johanna. You are one of the light beings that brings radiance and love to this messy imperfect/perfect world. i believe too that we are all unified in our spiritual quest as human beings and we are all at different stages on the same path towards enlightenment, and it begins with recognizing our own inner beauty…isn’t it amazing? Keep on falling in love with the divine! pura vida, angel

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